Mr Davli Humzah

Mr Humzah was qualified in medicine (MB BS. Hons) at King’s College London in 1988 and completed his house officer training there. He continued his surgical training at various hospitals in the London area, obtaining the Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons (FRCS) in 1989. He completed his specialist training in Plastic Surgery at Edinburgh, qualifying with the FRCS (Plast) degree of the Royal College of Surgeons in 1997. 

Whilst there he was awarded a travelling scholarship by the Royal College of Surgeons, part of which he used to visit the Sydney Melanoma Unit, studying the treatment of, and research into, skin cancer being undertaken there. Mr Humzah is fully registered with the General Medical Council (Registration No 3296503) and his name appears on their Specialist Register for PLASTIC SURGERY.

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